It’s That Time of Year Again!
When parents rejoice and children set out in their crisp clothing, toting their brand new backpacks, on a 180-day adventure. Remember those days? First day of school pics, classroom assignments, team tryouts? We do!
The Social Lights are extremely excited about this fall’s Back to School season. As recent grads, we don’t have to go back to school! But this season is still slightly bittersweet because for the past 18 years, school has been the drill. The smell of crayons, the sharpening of #2 pencils, the Lysol-scented hallways…ahhh those were the days.
Lucky for us, we were granted the opportunity to “Stay in School” yet forgo the lectures, homework and standardized testing. We were hired by the UST Schulze School of Entrepreneurship to promote an event that we are extremely excited about, The Ron Fowler Business Concept Challenge. We’ve been facebooking, tweeting, podcasting and shooting some creative promo videos this past month. We are pleased to launch the Fowler Fan Page on facebook to get students Fired Up for the Fowler!
Here is Part 1 of our “Funny Fowler Series.”
Part 2 “Fowler Rap”