If you think you’ve read enough 2014 predictions posts, think again.
You might actually find these useful:
1. The integration between Instagram, Pinterest, and ECommerce Sites
Brands that create platform-specific visual content that makes their fans and followers feel like insiders, will forge a much more personal relationship with their consumers–resulting in high brand loyalty (which typically correlates with more frequent purchases, less ‘shopping around,’ and increased recommendations/word-of-mouth marketing). Also, utilizing promotional tactics like Flash Sales, New Product Debuts/First Looks, Exclusive Codes, Views Behind-the-Scenes (etc.) will continue to help boost sales for retailers with strong social communities. -Martha
2. Social video platforms will continue to change.
Facebook / Vine / Instagram video will become more frequent, but the brands that figure out how to stick with it and create memorable content will get the attention and consumer engagement. Consumers don’t want to sit through a video unless they know it will be worth it to them. The more a business can relate to consumers and make them laugh, or inspire them, the better. It’s all about standing out – in a good way. -Libby
3. Micro Video Sites
I think the K-Mart Ship My Pants / Show Your Joe type videos are going to start coming out of the woodwork with brands trying to latch onto that viral content marketing strategy. If more brands can figure out how to use micro video sites for their video content instead of full blown 3-minute long YouTube videos, consumers will feel less like a brand is advertising to them and more like the brand is a part of their social network.
So basically: If brands want success on Vine/Instagram they will stop acting like brands and make content that fits right into the feed without making it feel like a commercial break. I guess that seems like an obvious strategy but it’s easier said than done! -Allison
4. Geotargeting
I think we’ll see continued growth of geotargeting, with brands spending more dollars on putting relevant, personalized content in front of consumers. -Karly
5. Google+
Google+ is going to continue to grow – especially among business professionals. The social platform is working to capture a different type of social niche, one akin to LinkedIn, Friendster, or social space where co-workers, family, or even strangers who share common interests can gather and share content. If Google+ combines its already captured search market with unique social markets, it will gradually achieve a larger social arena where people can integrate Google’s products and services in a collaborative fashion to create value for themselves. – Chloe
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