The Complete Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Brand’s Social Media Presence
By Jessi Russell Let’s dust off your profiles, assess your goals, and refresh your content strategy. Yep. Even your social media accounts need a dose of spring cleaning. So, what the heck is spring cleaning for social media (and why should you care)? Like with your personal life, spring cleaning on social media is about […]
5 Ways Travel Brands Are Taking Off On Social
Admit it: no matter the time of year, your social media feed flows with friends posting about their recent vacations, dragging out travel photos with the caption “take me back.” The travel bug never ceases to bite, and several travel brands learned how to keep fans coming back, or rather leaving again, for more. But […]
Engaging with Gen Z on Social Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
How do you connect with those darned Gen Z’ers? Working with teen-facing brands, we hear that question a lot. While we don’t have a magic spell, it’s a lot simpler than you’ve been led to believe. As Millennials, we understand what it’s like to feel misunderstood as a generation. We don’t all expect participation trophies […]
Social Listening for Live Events: Aim for Agility
By Alli Kahle In early 2018, The Social Lights’ office transformed into the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee’s Social Media Command Center (SMCC). A team of 70+ social media-savvy volunteers lined up to monitor the Host Committee’s social channels for the ten days leading up to Super Bowl 52. The goal? Ensure that each Super […]
What Brands Can Learn About Live Content From HQ Trivia
For years, people have touted live content as the next big thing. First, Justin.TV paved the way with 24-hour streaming. Before long, seemingly every app in the world introduced live-streaming capabilities. But even while the opportunity to go live has grown exponentially, the content that captures the most attention is often the latest Netflix original. […]
How Twitter’s new 280-character limit creates new opportunities for Marketers.
We’ve all been there, the funniest story or best closing line, but just a few too many characters to fit into 140 characters. While “brevity is the soul of wit,” Twitter’s newest update allows its users 280 characters to express themselves on the platform. Twitter tested this feature in September before granting access to all […]
How to Make Instagram Shoppable
Many marketers think of Instagram as only a window gallery for their products or services, leaving sales to Facebook or AdWords. Due to Instagram not allowing clickable hyperlinks in comments or the post description, it’s an easy assumption to make, though a wrong one. Savvy marketers have figured out how to make Instagram a profitable […]
Turning Instagram Photos Into Digital Art
Many people think of their Instagram photos as art (looking at you, latte art enthusiasts), but now it’s possible to transform Instagram photos into artwork automatically. It all started a few months ago when we were finalizing design plans for the new office. We met with the team at Permanent Record to get creative ideas […]
Explore the Best of Minneapolis With Minnstagram Bingo
What happens when you combine Summer 2016, Instagram enthusiasts and the beautiful city of Minneapolis? Minnstagram Bingo™, of course! The Social Lights recently launched their Summer 2016 Instagram contest, Minnstagram Bingo, to inspire Minnstagrammers to capture the most ♡-worthy photos of their beautiful city. Oh, and did we mention the winner will receive a custom […]
How to Create a Highly Entertaining Snapchat Story
Snapchat’s popularity is booming. The video and photo sharing app currently has an estimated 150 million daily users, compared to Twitter’s 140 million. And with Snapchat being the number one free app (or not far from it) in the App Store for the last few months, I’d bet that number will only rise in the […]