We are in the process of hiring a Field Specialist (or two) at the agency:
• Assist with developing college marketing campaigns
• Assist with developing editorial and social media content calendars
• Assist with social media monitoring and management
• Assist with event planning and promotion
• Brainstorm and execute online contests, giveaways, and promotions
• Gain valuable experience working in a young, dynamic, high-energy environment!
Our ideal candidate for this position is a junior or senior in college studying Marketing, Advertising, Mass Media, Communications, PR, or Journalism. The candidate is also a highly creative, outgoing, and self-motivated individual.
The Field Specialist will play an integral role in developing collegiate marketing campaigns—utilizing creative communications strategies to plan and execute events and promotions.
If you think you’d be a good fit for The Social Lights Field Specialist position, do some research on our company via our website (www.thesocial-lights.com), social media sites, and by reviewing our case studies. If you like our style and client list, send a creative cover letter and resume to info@thesocial-lights.com.
Download this information: Field Specialist Position | The Social Lights
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