3-Emoji Review: #itsjustacup So Chill Out Guys
Starbucks Red Cup Meets the Grinch Stole Christmas Who knew a cardboard cup filled with mediocre coffee could give such a large audience firework-eye-shooting-anger? If you didn’t hear, there wasn’t enough tinsel on the debuted Starbucks red cup this year and people are up in arms about it. In fact, people are calling the cup […]
Artist Revealed: The Truth Behind The Donald Trump Man Bun
When it comes to social media, artistic credit can get lost in the mix of retweets and copy/paste. As a matter of fact, social piracy swallowed our friend Alex Uncapher, a Minnesota DJ, who has that magical photoshop-freeform-pen touch and knows his way around a man bun. Don’t mean to burn your iris’ but we’re […]