DrumLite: Fails on Kickstarter; Rocks out at Super Bowl
DrumLite™ founders Jeff Sevaldson and Joey Nesbitt I had the opportunity to interview Jeff Sevaldson, a former UST classmate of mine who is the Co-Founder of DrumLite™. No, I wasn’t compelled to interview them because their name also contains a play on the word “Lite / Light,” I was actually quite curious to see how they are using social to grow their […]
The Fowler Business Concept Challenge
The Social Lights have been involved with the UST Fowler Business Concept Challenge for the past four years. When “The Fowler” was founded in 2009, Martha and Emily competed in the scholarship competition with an idea for an innovative new bike lock. They happily took home third place and competed again the next year with […]
Back to School (Sorta)
It’s That Time of Year Again! When parents rejoice and children set out in their crisp clothing, toting their brand new backpacks, on a 180-day adventure. Remember those days? First day of school pics, classroom assignments, team tryouts? We do! The Social Lights are extremely excited about this fall’s Back to School season. As recent […]