How Instagram’s API Announcement is a Win for Marketers
Instagram expanded its API to approved third parties, allowing for more data and insight to be pulled from the platform than ever before. There was an audible cheer from social strategist Gina Vo when the news broke. She’s pumped. We’re pumped. Marketers everywhere should be pumped. The announcement offers brands and advertisers the opportunity to […]
CMTP Celebrates #Merica Through Team Field Trip
The Social Lights Community Management Training Program class recently took part in a surprise field trip filled with team bonding and ice breakers – plenty of them. It was an American-themed trip inspired by upcoming 4th of July celebrations, with CMTP students using Twitter to document the fun. The only hint students were given prior […]
The Social Lights Kicks Off First-Ever Community Manager Training Program
Instructor Amy Bryant kicked off the class with a quote: In recognition of the importance and growth of social media for business, Minneapolis-based company The Social Lights LLC recently launched a Community Manager Training Program. The six-week course is dedicated to teaching 15 students about community management and aiding in job placement with various organizations […]