Social Media: 4 Factors to Focus on in 2015

In 2014, we saw video apps take off (mobile video impressions grew 350%), new networks like Yik Yak and ello emerge, and a movement toward high quality images and “Images for Information” instead of plain text or standard images. We also saw some epic social media wins and fails. Winners included NASA, the ALS Foundation, […]

To hashtag or not to hashtag?

Each social media platform has its own set of best practices when it comes to hashtags, and we think it’s time someone put together a little cheat sheet to keep track. When used in the correct way, hashtags help amplify your content and create valuable engagement. This quick graphic will help you determine whether or […]

5 Key Takeaways from #SMBMSP72 – Social Media Case Studies

This month’s Social Media Breakfast kicked off as it usually does – with coffee, bagels, and bacon! We all got our tweeting fingers ready and dug in to case studies from Jaclyn Grossfield, Lee Odden, and Casey Hall. Here are 5 things we learned from them: 1.     Get to know your audience (like, really know […]

Still Kickin: How one couple’s favorite T-shirt is fighting cancer and replacing cancer memes

Social media is awash with causes to support. Kickstarters, honorary days and months, and awareness campaigns are all part of our daily digital consciousness. However numerous they may be, these social campaigns can make a big difference within our local circle of friends—and thanks to the Internet—far beyond. One such notable campaign is the Still Kickin t-shirt, […]

The Social Lights Celebrate Love Your Melon Day – October 22

Love Your Melon Donates 1,000 Hats to Children Battling Cancer Across the U.S. on ‘Love Your Melon Day,’ Oct. 22, 2014 MN-based non-profit Love Your Melon, will host the second annual “Love Your Melon Day” on Oct. 22, 2014. The official day, declared by mayors and governors in 14 different U.S. cities, will celebrate and […]

Recap from Social Media Rockstars Conference 2014

On Wednesday, September 17, a group of social media experts and enthusiasts gathered in western Minnesota for the Social Media Rockstars Event. The Social Lights were there to be a part of the action, and it was a day packed full of dynamic presenters, social learning, and fun! Jason Falls kicked off the day with […]

Coffee Chat: The Truth About Social Media Careers

When people say they “do social,” what exactly do they mean? This question has been on many minds lately, so we decided to shed some light on the emerging career path of the Social Media Manager and dig into what these people do on a daily basis. We titled the series, Coffee Chat: The Truth About […]

Gina + Will Store Opens in Dinkytown, Encourages #Selfies

Gina + Will is a brand new resale shop situated in the heart of Dinkytown {Minneapolis, MN}. Launched by our client Goodwill/Easter Seals MN, Gina + Will is a young adult concept store catering to the collegiate demographic. We launched the Gina + Will brand across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr in time for their […]

An interview with The Product Poet

This is the second installment of three exclusive interviews with attendees of this year’s Social Media Training Bootcamp. We asked each attendee the same questions about social media, marketing, and the relationship between brands and their consumers. Today’s Q&A is with the mysterious Product Poet. Q. How did you get involved with social? A. I used to be […]

Social Media Spotlight: Enplug Live Displays

When I came across the Enplug Live Social Media Display (thanks for the tip, @Woodchuck!),  I couldn’t help but imagine the thousands of possibilities enabled by their technology: In order to dig a bit deeper into the realm of possibilities, I had the pleasure of chatting with Jessie Kim, Head of Partnerships at Enplug. Let’s start with some background […]