Last year we brought you Twin Cities highLIGHTS:
A New Year’s Eve Guide to the Twin Cities.
“From fashion tips to party planning advice, we’ve got you covered to ensure your end-of-the year celebration will be one to remember!”

In this issue you will find:
01. The Gal’s Guide to Getting Ready
02. Style Guide: Ladies Edition
03. Nightlife Guide: Twin Cities
04. Hosting a Party Guide
Read Twin Cities highLIGHTS for everything you need to know about ringing in the new year in the Twin Cities! Made from the minds of The Social Lights team, we provide our advice and experiences related to all things New Year’s Eve.
Download the Guide
While a lot has changed over the past year, much has stayed the same. Here are some updated ideas for this years’ NYE, but the rest of the guide should still ring true!
Psycho Suzi’s Motor Lounge
IMAGINE at International Market Square
The Pourhouse
First Ave / Get Cryphy
We’d love to hear how you celebrate New Year’s Eve. Tweet us your plans or traditions @SocialLightUp!