Guinness is Good for You

This time we aren’t talking about tall, dark and handsome pints of Irish lager, rather Guinness World Records involving several pints of fake blood…
This October The Social Lights facilitated the Guinness World Record attempt for Largest Gathering of Zombies during the 8th Annual Zombie Pub Crawl. We received word on November 12 at 2:23pm that the 2012 Zombie Pub Crawl officially set the new Guinness World Record for Largest Gathering of Zombies!
Guinness stated in an email, “We are pleased to confirm that you have successfully set the new Guinness World Records title for ‘Largest gathering of zombies’. Guinness World Records congratulates you on your achievement.”
The 8th Annual Zombie Pub Crawl took place on Saturday, October 13, 2012. Over 30,000 zombies rose from the dead for the event, and a total of 8,027 zombies were present at Midway Stadium AKA Zombie Island for the World Record Attempt at 9:00pm.
8,027 zombies scanned into Zombie Island by 9:00PM.
The previous record was held by the New Jersey Zombie Walk, which had 4,093 attendees in 2011. The Minneapolis/St. Paul Zombie Pub Crawl had over 27,000 attendees in 2011, but did not have ample evidence to submit to Guinness to earn the official title of “Largest Gathering of Zombies.” This year, armed with every kind of evidence you could imagine (including hundreds of zombie blood-stained witness statements), the Zombie Pub Crawl earned its deserved title. The official record is set at 8,027 zombies (in one place at one time) set at 9:00PM at Midway Stadium in St. Paul.
We have to admit, we’ve never done anything remotely like this before. Not only did we manage quite an active, dare we say bloody fine Facebook Fan Page, but we also managed to set a new world record in St. Paul, Minnesota!
Were you there? Tweet us and we’ll share a World Record-Holder Digital High-Five!