If you’ve peeped our social channels lately, you know we’re growing. Cue: 🚀
From the day we opened our doors, we set out to carve a different path. We’ve been bucking the industry, challenging everything from the way we brainstorm, to the way we operate “the agency” to the value of social media in the marketing mix. We’re proud to say we’re growing because it means we’re moving the needle for our clients too.
The way we see it, growth is a mindset not a number. It’s a way of operating. It’s a way of behaving. It’s a way of making decisions. It’s a way of creating solutions. It’s choosing grace and abundance on the days we feel fear and scarcity setting in.
We see growth as an invitation to test, try, create and build. And sometimes, on this growth journey, things don’t go according to plan. That’s ok too. Embracing growth makes us adaptable. It stretches us and in those moments we choose to allow growth to make us better, not break us.
Right now, with rising costs combined with downward pressures to preserve razor thin margins in our client organizations, there’s not a moment we take our success for granted. As a company, we’ve always been after sustainable, scalable growth. Growth is one metric we measure our success by, but is not the ultimate outcome. Growth of the company is simply a validation that complacency has not set in. It validates that we’re still stretching and striving and we’re on the right path.

In that spirit, we’re proud to announce that we made the Inc 5,000 list for a 3rd time! We’re among a select group of peers in our region and our industry to make the list and we are proud to be counted among companies that are defying economic trends. Congrats to all the companies on the list. Congrats on your growth and your trajectory of sustained success. We are honored to stand alongside you. And to our talented team and trusted client, hats off to you. Thank you for growing with us. We wouldn’t be here without you.
-Emily Pritchard, Stephanie Schafer, Greg Swan