When Push Comes to Shove Off
When does a push notification push you over the edge? As Brent Hieggelke defines push notifications in a recent Mashable article, “Good push notifications can mean alerting someone at the breakfast table to avoid a traffic jam by taking a different route to work. A bad push would be interrupting a parent with a “limited […]
Instagram Filter Personalities
You know you’ve been instagramming too much when… 1. You know each filter by name 2. You recognize the filter from your feed’s photos 3. You wish a hybrid between Brannan and Hudson existed 4. You spend every second of down time scrolling through your feed 5. You feel like an amazingly accomplished photographer with […]
A Few of our Favorite Apps
Tator tots, French fries, mozzarella sticks… Just kidding! We are talking smartphone apps of course. We LOVE Facebook & Twitter & Foursquare plus: Instagram Cinemagram c/o Cinemagram.tumblr 360 Panorama via iTunes Run Keeper via RunKeeper.com Starbucks Gold Card Get your Starbucks fix from your phone – no cash or card required! Words with Friends | […]