Twin Cities Social Media Spotlight

Did you catch our Social Media Spotlights this year? We’ve had the opportunity to interview some talented individuals and inspiring organizations – all using social media to get the word out about their brands. We spoke with Luke Thompson (Mippey5videos on YouTube) about the Ford Fiesta Movement and how he manages to make so many entertaining YouTube […]

Internship Alert: Join The Social Lights, Social Media Marketing Agency this Summer!

The Social Lights® is seeking a summer intern! Maybe two. Interested? Responsibilities • Assist with developing social media marketing campaigns • Assist with developing social media content calendars • Assist with social media monitoring and management (Software experience is a +) • Assist with event planning and marketing • Brainstorm and execute online contests, giveaways, and […]

Parc Boutique: A Social Media Case Study

Minneapolis’ Parc Boutique has reached global audiences through their savvy social media strategies. Curious to hear more about Parc’s appraoch to social, we conducted a Q+A with Elizabeth, Parc’s Social Media Manager. Parc Boutique is a very social company. Was social integrated from the very beginning, or has it evolved recently? When Parc first opened Facebook was […]

Writing for Social Media Workshop: A Recap

Thanks to all who joined us for our very first Social Media Workshop of the year!   #writing4social — Alexandra Green (@ALGREENmpls) March 14, 2014   Know your audience and communicate with purpose via the 3 C’s: Be clear, concise, consistent! @TheSocialLights #socialmedia #Writing4Social — SammyQS (@SammyQS) March 14, 2014 RT @SammyQS: Spot on! […]

Love Your Melon: Behind-the-Scenes with the Smile Tour Superheroes

What started as a class project has turned into a national movement dedicated to improving the lives of children battling cancer. It has been truly inspiring watching founders Brian Keller and Zachary Quinn pitch this business idea (as part of the University of St. Thomas ENTR 200 class), scale their brand, and even travel on a cross-country […]

DrumLite: Fails on Kickstarter; Rocks out at Super Bowl

DrumLite™ founders Jeff Sevaldson and Joey Nesbitt I had the opportunity to interview Jeff Sevaldson, a former UST classmate of mine who is the Co-Founder of DrumLite™. No, I wasn’t compelled to interview them because their name also contains a play on the word “Lite / Light,” I was actually quite curious to see how they are using social to grow their […]

A Q+A with Luke Thompson: Minnesota Man, Social Media Stud

You probably recognize Luke Thompson (Mippey5videos) from his hilarious YouTube parody videos which include spoofs of California (Minnesota) Girls, Gangnam Style, Call Me Maybe, and Thrift Shop. I had the pleasure of learning a little bit more about Luke, the Ford Fiesta Movement he was recently involved with, and his unique approach to social media. First: […]

#SB48: Social Media Winners and Losers

Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone and thousands of brands wanted a piece of the action. Here’s a few we’ve selected as winners and losers in what some were calling the #BrandBowl: Winner DiGiorno has been on top of their RTM recently, starting with their live tweets of The Sound of Music on NBC. […]

The Social Lights eNews: January 2014 Edition

Wondering what we’ve been up to? Well… If you haven’t heard, we have an upcoming workshop centered around the most essential element of social – writing. Join us for an engaging session on Friday, February 21st.