Engaging with Gen Z on Social Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
How do you connect with those darned Gen Z’ers? Working with teen-facing brands, we hear that question a lot. While we don’t have a magic spell, it’s a lot simpler than you’ve been led to believe. As Millennials, we understand what it’s like to feel misunderstood as a generation. We don’t all expect participation trophies […]
Social Listening for Live Events: Aim for Agility
By Alli Kahle In early 2018, The Social Lights’ office transformed into the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee’s Social Media Command Center (SMCC). A team of 70+ social media-savvy volunteers lined up to monitor the Host Committee’s social channels for the ten days leading up to Super Bowl 52. The goal? Ensure that each Super […]
7 Ways to Show Your Followers a Little Love
All You Need is Love Can you feel it? There! That warm feeling coming from your computer. No, that’s not just the heat from your MacBook trying to handle the 34 tabs you have open in Chrome. It’s the love of your superfans on social media. The ones who like and comment on every post. […]
TSL’s Top-11 Made-for-Social Experiences in Minneapolis during Super Bowl Week
In today’s world, there are few better ways to show off how great of a time you’re having than through social media posts. People are constantly showing off what they’re doing, what they’re eating, where they’re going, and who they’re hanging with. In response, brands are looking to generate these “check me out” moments for […]
The Social Lights’ Guide to Social Care
If you were to pick one role in an organization’s marketing department, one that needs to be agile, immersive, creative, and approachable, who would it be? Look to your Social Media Manager. Not only do these tech-savvy individuals need to keep up with ever-changing platform algorithms and features, but their responsibilities also change as the […]
Breaking Down Why CPMs Rise During the Holidays
This article was previously published at Social Media Today. You’re running campaigns as usual, good ones. Campaigns that have succeeded in the past. Some might have even returned best-in-class results. All of a sudden, though, the cost of those same strategies and campaign structures increased in October, and your November numbers are even higher. What […]
The Social Lights 2018 Social Media Predictions
A lot happened in the past 12 months. Social media is responsible for far more than many would have ever imagined possible. From social commerce to augmented reality to political influence, social platforms were under the microscope in 2017. As the calendar year winds down, headlines like “Social trends to watch in 2018” fill up […]
How Twitter’s new 280-character limit creates new opportunities for Marketers.
We’ve all been there, the funniest story or best closing line, but just a few too many characters to fit into 140 characters. While “brevity is the soul of wit,” Twitter’s newest update allows its users 280 characters to express themselves on the platform. Twitter tested this feature in September before granting access to all […]
#SmartSocialSummit 2017: Stay true, find balance, and give your audience a voice.
October is coming to a close, which means it’s that time of year where we hop a plane to Austin, Texas, to join the smartest in social at the annual Spredfast Summit. Our team took in keynotes, panels, breakouts, and one-on-one conversations to glean insights about the social media industry and its ever-evolving role in […]
Status Update: Q3 Social Media Trends
Hello, and welcome to the third of four installments of Status Update in 2017, our quarterly trend report. We know how hard it is to keep up with all the updates and changes in social media. That’s why every 3 months, we put together this handy report, detailing all the key themes, updates, and announcements […]