The Social Lights 2018 Social Media Predictions

A lot happened in the past 12 months. Social media is responsible for far more than many would have ever imagined possible. From social commerce to augmented reality to political influence, social platforms were under the microscope in 2017. As the calendar year winds down, headlines like “Social trends to watch in 2018” fill up […]

How Twitter’s new 280-character limit creates new opportunities for Marketers.

We’ve all been there, the funniest story or best closing line, but just a few too many characters to fit into 140 characters. While “brevity is the soul of wit,” Twitter’s newest update allows its users 280 characters to express themselves on the platform. Twitter tested this feature in September before granting access to all […]

Status Update: Q2 Social Media Trends

Social media is in a perpetual state of rapid evolution. Updates and new features are constantly reshaping how users engage across platforms, and the day-to-day headlines are a barrage of buzzwords and tag lines. How is one supposed to keep up? Short answer: Our quarterly publication, Status Update. Long answer: Let us help. Every 3 months, we bring you the […]

Reimagining Human Connectivity at Social Media Week

Four days, 27 sessions, and 114 Instagram stories later, social strategist Gina Vo landed back in Minneapolis. We sent Gina to Los Angeles, which played host to one of the nation’s four Social Media Week events this year. The event sported a tagline of “Reimagining Human Connectivity,” a compelling topic after Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook manifesto […]

Object Recognition Setting the Stage For Mixed-Reality Advertising

If you’ve kept up with social media news and updates over the first half of 2017, you’ve read the words “object recognition” about as often as you’ve read “Facebook copies Snapchat.” Pinterest’s Lens was among the first public-facing applications introduced around object recognition, one of their many moves aimed at integrating into the real world. […]

Pinterest, the 5 W’s, and Real-World Relevance

By nature, Pinterest drives users into the real world. Whether through baking recipes, DIY projects, or fashion trends, pinners are constantly discovering new ideas on the platform, executing the ideas, and bringing their results back to the platform. This process is so streamlined and automatic that 93 percent of Pinners use the platform to drive […]

Bringing Social Media to Life with iMPuLSe Creative

Recently, we were given the opportunity to paint our wall, but not in a “What color would you like your wall?” kind of way. We wanted to do something fresh, something new, and something that would encourage conversation. How does a social media agency do that? To bring this to life, we wanted to work […]

Social Media Trends: Q4 | 2016

The 2016 calendar year ended with a flurry of updates from around the social sphere, with the majority of the conversation centered around community care and live video. These moves align with platforms’ consistent efforts to create a positive, authentic, and immersive experience for their users. The following is a birds-eye view of the evolving […]

We Gathered & Gave

On November 21, our entire team came together for Gather & Give, a massive 1-day project aimed at showing gratitude for both our clients and our team. Throughout the day, we generated enormous amounts of content, shared social media tips and tricks via livestream, and ended the day with a Thanksgiving feast that featured every company on […]

Introducing: Gather & Give

How do people always get those perfect pictures for Instagram? Why are some Snapchat stories so much better than others? What is Facebook Live even about? As a social business consultancy, it’s our job to know how to do these things, and we do our best to help others make the most of their time on […]