Status Update: Recapping Social Media in Q1

Social media platforms came out firing in Q1 with major announcements that are sure to make waves across social media over the coming months. From Facebook launching copycat features in its ongoing quest to be everything for its users, to the marketing world converging on social media, marketers will (or at least should) start reevaluating […]

Beyond The Platform: Shortcuts to Social Media Success

Best practices are ever-changing. Tweet with an image to increase engagement. Instagram now lets you post 16:9 photos, so fill the screen. Don’t ask for likes on Facebook. Vertical video performs better than horizontal on mobile. The weekly and monthly updates are a constant barrage that, in all honesty, aren’t always worth keeping up on. […]

Three Takeaways for Marketers from SXSW Interactive 2017

From March 13-19, creatives, digital leaders, brands, and music lovers alike flocked to the 2017 edition of the South by Southwest Conference and Festival. Over the first half of the event, thought leaders from all corners of the digital and tech space share successes and brands make their move to attract the fans from interactive, […]

7 Tips for Creating Content with Instagram Carousels

Instagram insta-grabbed headlines this week with the announcement that its 600+ million monthly users can now upload up to 10 photos or videos within a single post. This update brings immediate opportunities for marketers from both performance and creative standpoints. The feature is very similar to that of Instagram stories. However, some things warrant more […]

Breaking Down Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Update

Facebook recently announced changes in its evaluation and ranking methods concerning branded posts and profiles appearing within users’ News Feeds. It was a very official, albeit humdrum, way of saying that the platform will show its users more content that A, they like on a regular basis, and B, their friends engage with on a […]

Social Media Trends: Q4 | 2016

The 2016 calendar year ended with a flurry of updates from around the social sphere, with the majority of the conversation centered around community care and live video. These moves align with platforms’ consistent efforts to create a positive, authentic, and immersive experience for their users. The following is a birds-eye view of the evolving […]

A (Better) Look Ahead at Social Media in 2017

The new year brings inspiration towards self-betterment, aspirations of bucket list goals, and self-evaluations of what could be. What’s next? What do I want? Where do I want to be? How do I get there? Individuals and businesses take stock of where they’ve been and where they want to go. The same is true in […]

Navigating the Social Space with Lana Berry

Lana Berry notes authenticity and open conversation as two constants in the social space. As relationship-building continues to act as social media’s cornerstone, those who succeed in building strong followings on are often the same brands and individuals who find ways to tap into these pillars. Lana is Exhibit A. The social media manager-turned-influencer has […]

We Gathered & Gave

On November 21, our entire team came together for Gather & Give, a massive 1-day project aimed at showing gratitude for both our clients and our team. Throughout the day, we generated enormous amounts of content, shared social media tips and tricks via livestream, and ended the day with a Thanksgiving feast that featured every company on […]

Introducing: Gather & Give

How do people always get those perfect pictures for Instagram? Why are some Snapchat stories so much better than others? What is Facebook Live even about? As a social business consultancy, it’s our job to know how to do these things, and we do our best to help others make the most of their time on […]