Creativity, Social Strategy and Rejection – an interview with Jon Savitt
Before meeting Jon Savitt IRL, we spent more time than we’d like to admit perusing his Twitter feed, coming across gems like: I can't feel my face when I'm with food — Jon Savitt (@savittj) September 25, 2015 and .@realDonaldTrump Hi Donald, what is your stance on breakfast for dinner? Need to know asap — […]
3-Emoji Review: It’s Raining MPLS Cats and STPL Dogs
Kitties Can Enjoy A Latte, Too Meow Mix Espresso? Perhaps, perhaps. You know where this is going, right? There’s a new cat cafe in town. Well, almost. Cafe Meow will feature a separate room for the furry felines but has yet to select a location. The cafe would be like any other, serving coffee and […]
Top Takeaways from Spredfast Summit 2015
We just got back from a jam-packed #SFsummit in Austin, TX, and we’re pleased to share some of our top takeaways with y’all. The ‘Smart Social’ theme had us at hello, and the excitement grew from there. Here’s a sampling of the many lightbulb moments we had at Spredfast Summit 2015: “Social isn’t special. It’s just […]
3-Emoji Review: The People vs. The Peeple
Facebook Pays Homage to the Selfie, In a Moving Way Thanks be to Facebook, for “animated selfies” can almost populate pages everywhere. Facebook will soon allow you to upload short, looping clips as your profile pic. Thank GOD this wasn’t a thing when I was in college. Those late night dance parties forever will be […]
#AdFedMN: Purpose Driven Content with Amanda Brinkman
Remember the Small Business Revolution Documentary we talked about recently? If you haven’t watched the film yet, get on it. The authenticity and heartwarming vibes will make your heart swell up. The Social Lights were lucky enough to join AdFed MN for a special event hosted by the lady who struck the match, Amanda Brinkman, to […]
Artist Revealed: The Truth Behind The Donald Trump Man Bun
When it comes to social media, artistic credit can get lost in the mix of retweets and copy/paste. As a matter of fact, social piracy swallowed our friend Alex Uncapher, a Minnesota DJ, who has that magical photoshop-freeform-pen touch and knows his way around a man bun. Don’t mean to burn your iris’ but we’re […]
3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City
Everything On A Stick at #mnstatefair If you forgot, your Twitter feed reminded you. The Great Minnesota Get-Together kicked off yesterday and is complete with 40 new foods, 11 new frozen treats and 2 new rides on the Mighty Midway. Prepare to hear about all of the crazy foods indulged by your friends and co-workers […]
3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City
Hillz Tweets 3 Emoji Review on Student Loans We were stoked to see Hillary Clinton jump on the 3 Emoji Review bandwagon this week. Although it appears that her tweet asking people to give a 3 Emoji Review of their student loans didn’t quite work out in her favor. Regardless, imitation is the highest form […]
3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City
It was meant to be. When Secrets Of The City published the first-ever 3 Emoji Review, it immediately caught our attention. So we called our friend Taylor, the producer of Secrets of the City (which, by the way, SOTC is a daily digest of Twin Cities culture, featuring the best events of the day. You […]
#TrendsTuesday: Facebook Drones and Yelp Groans
Social media evolves at the rapid-fire pace of the internet. Here’s a rundown of some of the most recent and relevant social media news and trends, so you can keep up with new possibilities and changing functionality. Facebook used last weekend’s Lollapalooza to step into the world of live events. Instead of arriving piecemeal from friends […]