Q&A With Our 2018 Summer Interns

Each summer, we welcome an intern (or two!) into the fold. Under our Training Manager’s tutelage, they explore the world of social media. Who better to answer questions about the internship program than the interns themselves?

We Gathered & Gave

On November 21, our entire team came together for Gather & Give, a massive 1-day project aimed at showing gratitude for both our clients and our team. Throughout the day, we generated enormous amounts of content, shared social media tips and tricks via livestream, and ended the day with a Thanksgiving feast that featured every company on […]

3-Emoji Review: #itsjustacup So Chill Out Guys

Starbucks Red Cup Meets the Grinch Stole Christmas Who knew a cardboard cup filled with mediocre coffee could give such a large audience firework-eye-shooting-anger? If you didn’t hear, there wasn’t enough tinsel on the debuted Starbucks red cup this year and people are up in arms about it. In fact, people are calling the cup […]

3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City

Everything On A Stick at #mnstatefair If you forgot, your Twitter feed reminded you. The Great Minnesota Get-Together kicked off yesterday and is complete with 40 new foods, 11 new frozen treats and 2 new rides on the Mighty Midway. Prepare to hear about all of the crazy foods indulged by your friends and co-workers […]

3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City

Hillz Tweets 3 Emoji Review on Student Loans We were stoked to see Hillary Clinton jump on the 3 Emoji Review bandwagon this week. Although it appears that her tweet asking people to give a 3 Emoji Review of their student loans didn’t quite work out in her favor. Regardless, imitation is the highest form […]

3-Emoji Review for Secrets Of The City

It was meant to be. When Secrets Of The City published the first-ever 3 Emoji Review, it immediately caught our attention.  So we called our friend Taylor, the producer of Secrets of the City (which, by the way, SOTC is a daily digest of Twin Cities culture, featuring the best events of the day. You […]

Post-Serial Podcasting in the Twin Cities: The Weekend Starts Now

Two Twin Cities niche media champions – James Norton from The Heavy Table and Taylor Carik from Secrets of the City (SotC) – have joined forces to produce The Weekend Starts Now, a triumphant new local podcast series, with help from audio engineer Adam Voreis. However, this is not their first podcasting rodeo. We spoke to SotC head Carik […]

The Startup Capital of the North

The Twin Cities are a fertile ground for creative thought, technological innovation, and savvy business people. This was made especially concrete at Beta.MN 2.0, an event allowing local startups to demo their products while meeting and mingling with entrepreneurs, investors, and supporters. The event was held Thursday, May 14, 2015 at the Surly brewery, which proved to be the […]

Welcome to the Team Addie & Laura!

We’re excited to welcome our newest team members, Addie (Adelaide) Stiff and Laura Siirila to The Social Lights team! Addie is on board as our official Collegiate Field Specialist and Laura is our Restaurant/Hospitality Community Manager. Addie Stiff “As a student majoring in entrepreneurship, I’m very excited to start working and learning with The Social […]

The World’s Greatest

Guinness is Good for You This time we aren’t talking about tall, dark and handsome pints of Irish lager, rather Guinness World Records involving several pints of fake blood… This October The Social Lights facilitated the Guinness World Record attempt for Largest Gathering of Zombies during the 8th Annual Zombie Pub Crawl. We received word […]